Photo Courtesy of Clear Sign & Design

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Planning for Sign Code Success

Workshops Build Better Understanding of Signs

Local planners and officials determine how signs are regulated and whether sign projects can be completed in timely fashion. Yet these important decision-makers often have little formal training in how signs work, how they should be regulated to be most effective, and the roles that visible, well-designed signs play in building thriving communities. 

ISA builds bridges to planners through Planning for Sign Code Success™ workshops, conducted in partnership with the Sign Research Foundation. These events help planners understand more about sign technology, best practices and developing sign codes that balance economics and aesthetics. Planners can also interact with their peers and earn CM AICP credits at these events.  

Since 2012, there have been 43 Planning for Sign Code Success™ workshops held in 26 states, with nearly 1,300 planners in attendance.

Interested in seeing if ISA can provide a seminar in your area? 
