What’s new: Sign, graphics and visual communication companies with 20 or more employees must keep records of injuries and submit those records to OSHA. OSHA has deemed manufacturing, including sign manufacturing, as an industry with higher requirements. Companies with 250-plus employees must submit OSHA Forms 300, 300A and 301. Manufacturers with 20-249 employees must submit form 300A only. The final rule also includes an ability for a worker to report injuries and illnesses without retaliation.
What it means: Employers already are required to collect this information when a worker is injured on the job. The new rule requires that data to be submitted to OSHA. OSHA will create a database of workplace injuries, allowing researchers to identify what causes workplace accidents, identify safety hazards before they become widespread and evaluate the effectiveness of accident prevention programs.
What’s ahead: The new requirements had phased-in data submissions beginning in 2017. They do not change an employers’ requirement to complete and maintain records of injury and illness under the Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses regulation.
Completing the forms: Learn more about the OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements and download the Forms
David Hickey
VP, Advocacy