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Federal Regulations


ISA is actively working to reduce regulations and help sign companies be in compliance.

Complying with U.S. federal regulations costs manufacturers $29,100 per employee per year ($50,100 per employee for small manufacturers), according to  NAM. This means that a small manufacturing firm with 20 employees bears around $1 million in compliance costs.

Don't Miss This Recorded Webinar

DC Doings: The Latest Federal Laws That Will Affect Your Business

Just because Congress isn’t getting much done lately doesn’t mean that laws aren’t churning out of Washington DC that will affect your sign & graphics company. Find out which federal regulations and proposed legislation may have the most impact on the way you conduct business, especially when it comes to the employer-employee relationship and economic decisions. 

  • Speaker: David Hickey, ISA
  • Price: $0 for ISA members; $15 for non-members

Watch Now

ISA experts have resources to help you understand and comply with federal regulations

Sign, graphics and visual communications companies must follow many federal rules and regulations related to running a business. Many of these federal regulations have to do with protecting the health and safety of employees, including crane safety certification and other OSHA requirements.

In order to avoid costly penalties and promote safety in the workplace, ISA has developed the below resources to help sign & graphics companies more clearly understand and more easily comply with these federal regulations.

Questions? Contact David Hickey, VP, Advocacy,
