ISA Releases State of the Industry Report
Alexandria, VA – June 27, 2012 —
ISA’s 2012 State of the Industry survey shows that the signage industry continues to rebound, with most participants reporting they anticipate growth and plan to hire in the coming year. The survey polled more than 200 ISA International Sign Expo 2012 attendees and covered all segments: sign supply manufacturers, distributors, sign shops, and end users.
“It’s important for ISA to conduct this type of research for our industry,” said Lori Anderson, ISA president and CEO. “This provides valuable information of where our industry is, and most importantly, where it is going. While those surveyed have concerns about the economy, fuel prices, and technological changes, it’s clear that most feel extremely positive about the direction of their business in the coming year.”
Some key findings:
- Nearly all—96 percent—anticipate growth in the coming year.
- Along with the growth, companies said they planned to hire. In all, nearly three-fourths of those surveyed said they’d add staff in 2012. Approximately 47 percent said they’d hire in existing departments while 24 percent said they’d hire for new lines of business.
- When making the decision to purchase, 69 percent said high quality was the most important factor in their consideration. The relationship with the vendor (21 percent), low price (14 percent), and technical support (11 percent) were the other factors.
- Economic uncertainty remains a worry, with 74 percent saying that it would impact their businesses in the coming year. Approximately 70 percent believed technological changes would have an effect.
The entire report is available free of charge for ISA members.
ISA conducted a similar survey in 2011, so comparative graphs showing year to year changes are contained within the report along with eight specific market segments expected to provide business development opportunities.