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ISA International Sign Expo 2018 Opens

ISA International Sign Expo 2018 opens its doors with a larger-than-ever trade show floor, more targeted education and many exhibitors offering outstanding promotions.

A few highlights:

  • The trade show floor has the largest footprint ever, offering a Lounge & Learn area where attendees can hear about the latest products and ideas. More areas to network, relax or conduct business are available as well. Each day of the tradeshow floor closes with a Last Hour Happy Hour.
  • Exhibitors continue to promote new innovations. Three were presented the ISA Sign Expo Innovation Awards. They will offer brief overviews of their products and be honored at a reception at the Lounge & Learn area of the tradeshow floor at 4 p.m. March 22. See the full list of nominees at
  • ISA International Sign Expo 2018 will feature an opportunity to scoop up the latest technology throughout the sign, graphics and visual communications industry. Many of the exhibitors are offering enticing promotional offers. To see the listing of exhibitor promotions, along with a lineup of demonstrations and charitable events, visit
  • Additional co-located events draw the breadth of the sign, graphics and visual communications industry. Signarama and Sign Biz Inc. will host special events for their member companies. The Sign Research Foundation will host its National Signage Research & Education Conference, which brings retailers, urban planners, designers, architects, engineers, academics, and graduate students to work alongside the sign industry. ISA’s Planning for Sign Code Success™ event targets planners and local officials to learn more about crafting reasonable sign codes that successfully balance needs of business and community.
  • Two new pre-conference education events provide insight into selling wide format and digital print and growing business skills. Three Game Changer sessions are designed to spark business building ideas and inspiration. Learn more about the education sessions at


ISA International Sign Expo 2018 will be March 22-24, with education starting on March 21, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. Registration is open at

