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U.S. Planners Study Up on EMCs

U.S. Planners Study Up on EMCs

Planners from around the country have a better understanding of EMCs thanks to a recent webinar Regulating Electronic Message Centers. The webinar took place on September 24, 2014 and involved more than 245 planners. ISA’s James Carpentier, AICP, planner Wendy Moeller, AICP, and Mike Freeborg with YESCO, presented the session.

This presentation was part of the APA Planning Webcast Consortium fall lineup and was sponsored by the APA County Planning Division. The webcast series consortium consists of a number of APA divisions and state chapters that presents training for planners at no cost and offers continuing education credits for certified planners. The presentation is available at this link, Regulating Electronic Message Centers.

The webcast explained to planners recent EMC traffic studies, economic impact of EMCs, and how communities can strike a balance in allowing these business builders without impacting community safety and aesthetics, and how regulations can be understandable and enforceable. For any questions please contact ISA’s James Carpentier.
