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Top Sign Industry Executives Gather for Thought-Provoking Discussions

Top Sign Industry Executives Gather for Thought-Provoking Discussions

C-suite level executives from some of the sign industry’s largest companies got a look into the future at SDC 2014, a networking and thought leadership conference hosted by ISA.

During the three-day event, which wrapped last week in Nashville, industry leaders heard presentations on some of the top issues facing their businesses.

A few highlights:

  • Dennis Snow, a customer service expert who spent two decades at Disney World, discussed ways of taking a customer-centric approach to every touch point. To create loyalty, he suggested, pay attention to details, every detail is either enhancing the brand or detracting from it.
  • Millennials are the workforce of the future, says Shira Harrington, founder and president of Purposeful Hire. They are the children of helicopter parents and now that they are in the workforce, the way that they see their parents shows how they see their bosses. Understanding that—and what they need as a result—is the key to keeping them engaged. And that’s no easy task as the average job tenure for Millennials is 18 months.
  • Technology is driving changes in the economy, and by extension, the sign industry, said futurist Michael Rogers. As the world becomes even more wired, signage will be affected in multiple ways. New technologies in lighting and screens will play a part, too.
  • Dream big, says Vince Papale, who is living proof that that philosophy can succeed. Papale was 30 when he tried out for—and made—the Philadelphia Eagles NFL team. His story was later made into the movie Invincible.

The event also included numerous one-on-one power hour appointments and other networking opportunities. SDC 2015 planning is already underway; attendance is limited to ISA members. Contact Karen Smith to learn more about SDC and Meredith Bayley to learn more about membership.
