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Sign Industry Educates Planners in Durham, NC

Sign Industry Educates Planners in Durham, NC

On August 16, 27 planners from more than 20 jurisdictions in North Carolina participated in the ISA/SSSC/SFI Planning for Sign Code Success event in Durham. These events are excellent forums designed to educate local sign code officials about the benefits of signs to businesses and communities. Attendees learned about sign construction technologies, how to effectively treat EMCs, legal issues in sign regulation, the economic impact of signs, the process in developing sign codes and the policy implications of urban wayfinding.
ISA, its Affiliated Associations and the Signage Foundation Inc., are dedicated to educating planners on the value of on-premises signs, with the goal of helping them create reasonable and beneficial sign codes across the country. So far in 2013, over 80 planners and other local sign code officials from 62 cities and towns in 5 states have been educated at these events. For more information, contact ISA’s David Hickey.
