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Planners Seeking Input on Sign Codes

Planners Seeking Input on Sign Codes

Planners are vital to the sign and visual communications industry and planners, holding tremendous power over whether sign projects are approved. What if they sought out the industry’s assistance in developing those codes and making those decisions? It is happening, thanks to ISA’s robust outreach efforts to planners and local officials. One of the most recent examples is “Vital Signs,” a quarterly e-newsletter aimed at those who regulate signage. It provides information about ISA resources, educational offerings and articles discussing important topics in sign codes.

More than 4,000 public officials recently received a copy of the 2015 second quarter issue of “Vital Signs.” Almost immediately, several recipients reached out to request ISA’s assistance with sign codes.

The newsletter builds upon ISA’s long-time outreach efforts to members of the American Planning Association, the National League of Cities, and other officials involved in regulating on-premise signs. This includes onsite and online continuing education, regional and national APA meetings and specific assistance.

ISA has a dedicated portion of its website filled with resources to help local officials understand more about the sign and visual communications industry, the value of our products to their citizens and the importance of reasonable codes.

In addition, ISA helps ISA and Affiliated Association member companies with sign code issues.

For more information about ISA’s outreach to the planning community or for assistance with a sign code issue, please contact David Hickey.
