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Planners Discuss Supreme Court Ruling’s Impact on Sign Codes

Planners Discuss Supreme Court Ruling’s Impact on Sign Codes

How should a local community respond to the recent Supreme Court of the United States ruling in Reed v. Town of Gilbert? That is a question that has been on many planners’ minds since the June ruling. More and more, these planners are looking to ISA as the resource on sign code issues.

ISA joined the Arizona chapter of the American Planning Association’s recent workshop for 75 area planners and municipal attorneys on the topic. The Supreme Court case focused on regulating temporary signs in an Arizona town, which the court found to be a violation of the First Amendment.

During the workshop, ISA’s David Hickey joined in a panel discussion with four Arizona city attorneys for a high-spirited and highly educational discussion. The three-hour seminar was eligible for professional certification maintenance for city planners and as continuing legal education for the municipal attorneys.

The Arizona APA workshop is just the latest in ISA’s efforts to educate planners and local officials about the impact of the Reed decision. Last month, ISA coordinated a webinar that educated more than 700 planners. Throughout the remainder of 2015, ISA staff will present educational offerings at local APA chapters in 12 states. These events are expected to reach close to 500 planners.

In addition, ISA offers a number of free resources to help local communities understand Reed and sign codes in general. Noted land use professor Alan Weinstein created guidance for the Signage Foundation Inc. on the Reed case. And last month’s APA webinar, moderated by ISA’s James Carpentier, is available for viewing.

ISA’s outreach on these issues are helping local officials draft reasonable, enforceable and beneficial sign codes for communities across the country. For more information, please contact ISA’s David Hickey.
