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New eBook Demystifies Digital Signage

New eBook Demystifies Digital Signage

The digital signage industry is growing and evolving at warp speed. So is the desire among sign companies to learn more about it.

Some of you are already flourishing in the digital signage arena. Some are slowly wading in, while others say that you’re still on the sidelines. Digital Signage Power: An Expert’s Guide to Mastering the Technology is an eBook that can help.

This book provides a non-technical fast track to understanding digital signage. It typically retails for $18.99, but International Sign Association members can purchase the book at a discount of just $14.98.

According to its author, Justin Ryan, “This book offers a unique and unbiased view on the industry and provides only the relevant information required to get started,” he writes in the book’s forward. “The book requires little to no understanding of computers and digital technology, although it certainly helps.”

This digital book is just one of numerous resources ISA can provide you with as you investigate the world of digital signage. ISA is committed to bringing you digital signage education, news, videos and tips that will help grow your business. We’re committed to helping you understand and capitalize on this leading-edge signage solution.

For digital signage questions, contact Glenn Feder, ISA’s Director of Business Development at [email protected] or at 703-836-4012 x.145. And be sure to follow Glenn on Twitter @Signs_Digital. You can also follow ISA at @ISA_Signs.
