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Los Angeles Moves New Sign Regulations Forward

Los Angeles Moves New Sign Regulations Forward

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles Planning and Land Use Management Committee (PLUM) recommended to approve new sign regulations. PLUM initiated review of the revised sign regulations on April 21, 2009 and after 8 subsequent meetings and a number of changes and recommendations, has forwarded the new sign regulations for legal review prior to going to the City Council for final adoption. At the hearing over 20 individuals and groups, testified mostly in support of the new sign regulations, including the Chamber and Council representatives. On behalf of the California Sign Association (CSA) and the International Sign Association (ISA),ISA’s James Carpentier testified in support of the sign regulations with the recommendation to allow CSA and ISA to work with staff to revise the proposed sign illumination standards for non-EMC or traditional signs. PLUM agreed to the request in regards to sign illumination by CSA and ISA. In summary, the sign regulations include the following changes: changes to the Sign District definition, illumination standards for EMCs, new definitions for murals, and changes to the fees for sign districts and variances. For more information please contact James Carpentier.
