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ISA Trains Over 60 Companies on New ADA Standards

ISA Trains Over 60 Companies on New ADA Standards

On Monday, ISA held the first AIA-accredited webinar to educate 63 sign manufacturers, environmental graphic designers, and architects about the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. The standards take effect on March 15, 2012, and are designed to ensure signage affords maximum accessibility to all people. All signage in new or altered state and local government facilities, public accommodations, and commercial facilities must be compliant with these standards after that date. Sign designers learned the differences between the ADA Standards and California’s Title 24, the requirements as they relate to room identification signs, directional and information signs, typography, spacing, height, and other ADA guidelines. ISA will be offering more sessions on this subject throughout the year – contact ISA’s Sapna Budev, Director of Industry Programs, for more information. 
