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ISA Talks with City Officials in Boston

ISA Talks with City Officials in Boston

Last Thursday and Friday, ISA spoke with hundreds of city officials about sign code issues at the National League of Cities (NLC) annual Congress of Cities & Exposition in Boston. ISA spoke with mayors, city council members and city staff, the very people who usually vote on sign ordinances. Attendees had their sign code questions answered by ISA and will be taking home the latest information covering sign regulation issues. “Our goal in participating in the NLC show is to educate city officials from all over the country of the important role that on-premise signage plays in the success of businesses and the health of communities,” said David Hickey, ISA’s director of government relations. “By engaging in dialogue with associations like NLC, their show and with rank-and-file city officials at the local level, we can help communities draft the most reasonable and effective sign codes possible.” For further information, please contact David Hickey.
