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ISA Staff Working to Educate, Improve Rules for Signs

ISA Staff Working to Educate, Improve Rules for Signs

Over the next week, four ISA staff members and numerous ISA volunteer leaders will be criss-crossing the US to represent the sign industry at important conferences. ISA’s Rich Gottwald and David Hickey will be meeting with key sign users and association allies at the January 13–16 National Retail Federation Annual Convention in New York City, where they will be providing them with the latest academic research of the economic value of signs to businesses. ISA’s Sapna Budev will be leading an industry team developing the sign standards contained within the upcoming 2015 edition of the ANSI A117.1 (Committee on Usable Buildings and Facilities) Standard. And ISA’s Kenny Peskin will be representing the sign industry at the annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, as well as the kickoff of the Virginia Certified Planning Commissioners Program. For more information, please contact David Hickey.
