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ISA Recommends Changes to 2013 California Building Code for Accessibility

ISA Recommends Changes to 2013 California Building Code for Accessibility

Since the adoption of the 2010 Federal Standards for Accessibility, sign companies working in California have struggled to reconcile the CBC (California Building Code) standards with the federal guidelines. The Department of the State Architect has proposed changes to the 2013 code which attempt to create an integrated document that combines the ADA’s format and minimum requirements with the current 2010 California provisions. ISA’s review and analysis of the code proposals showed several areas that may increase hardship to our members. ISA has submitted comments to the State Architect and will be appearing at the Stakeholder Forum on Thursday, June 14 in Los Angeles to defend our comments. This Forum is the first opportunity for public input and ISA welcomes member feedback during the process. To receive a copy of our comments, you may email Sapna Budev at [email protected].
