ISA Meets with Key Senators on Small Business Issues
ISA staff recently met with two key U.S. Senators to discuss important issues to the sign industry, including comprehensive tax reform, Obamacare and energy costs. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) focused especially on lowering the tax rate for small businesses that file as individuals (S-Corps or “pass throughs”), which affects many ISA members. Sen. John Thune (R-SD), who has several prominent ISA member companies in his state and understands the sign industry better than most politicians, spoke extensively about how high energy costs are hurting small businesses.
Both senators sympathized with how many ISA members have the infamous “fear of fifty.” Sign companies are increasingly wary of growing their business past the threshold of 50 full-time employees. At that mark, companies become eligible for expensive mandates and severe financial penalties under the soon-to-be implemented health care law. Learn the latest on how Obamacare affects sign companies under the 50 FTE threshold here.
ISA meets with members of Congress and their staff on a regular basis to raise the sign industry’s visibility and increase awareness of the value that our products bring to the economy. For more information, contact ISA’s David Hickey.