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ISA Launches Urban Wayfinding Education for Planners

ISA Launches Urban Wayfinding Education for Planners

The International Sign Association and The Signage Foundation, Inc. recently released an Urban Wayfinding Manual and launched a  corresponding six part webinar series. The manual and education series were designed to guide urban planners, city officials, downtown development managers, and architects in the redesign of municipal wayfinding systems. The manual lays out the framework of conceptualization, community engagement, financing, design, and maintenance of wayfinding systems. The first American Institute of Architects (AIA) and American Planning Institute (APA) accredited webinar drew 60 planners, architects, landscape designers, and downtown managers and featured the project leader of “Legible London,” the most famous international wayfinding system. The wayfinding educational efforts serve as a valuable resource for sign code officials and sign buyers and provide vital information to planners and other key stakeholders. For more information, contact ISA’s Sapna Budev, Director of Strategic Initiatives.
