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ISA Gathering Sign Brightness Data

ISA Gathering Sign Brightness Data

Spurred by a changing regulatory climate in terms of energy usage and nighttime illumination, ISA is currently launching the initial phase of a research study that aims to profile luminance properties typical of electric signs. This study is being conducted at the UL Verification Services Laboratory in Allentown, Pa. Phase 1 of this study focuses on identifying brightness values for internally illuminated signs that incorporate conventional fluorescent and neon light sources.
While historical reference sources have established broad guidelines for the luminance of commercial, electric signs, this study represents an effort to more accurately define these values. The outcome of this study will provide ISA with a broad range of scientific data useful for referencing the brightness properties of conventional electric signs as well as new generations of electric signs that incorporate alternative light sources. In this effort, ISA aims to proactively address the need to support optimal performance criteria for electric signs in the future.
For more information, contact Bill Dundas, Director of Technical & Regulatory Affairs.
