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ISA Educates Planners in Dallas

ISA Educates Planners in Dallas

Working in partnership with the Texas Sign Association, ISA presented a daylong Planning for Sign Code Success seminar Friday in Dallas. Planners and code officials from 20 Texas municipalities learned about sign construction technologies, controls of EMCs, determining the value of signs and improving local sign ordinances. Speakers included ISA’s Kenny Peskin, Stew Edinger (Federal Heath), Joel Heine (Daktronics) and Rick Bass, MAI/AICP (Bass & Associates).

ISA continues to increase its outreach to planners across the country so they have an increased appreciation and understanding of the value of on-premise signs. The next ISA co-sponsored planners conference is scheduled for Nov. 3 in Albany, N.Y. For more information, please contact [email protected], the Texas Sign Association’s Leona Stabler ([email protected]) or the Northeast States Sign Association’s Jean Gavigan ([email protected]).    
