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ISA Educates California Planners

ISA Educates California Planners

ISA and the Western States Sign Council hosted a daylong Planning for Sign Code Success event for local sign code officials on September 14 in Garden Grove, Cal.

Planners from 27 southern California jurisdictions learned how and why signs are made, issues involving EMCs, legal implications in sign codes, the economic impact of signs, and the process in developing reasonable and beneficial sign codes. Speakers included Roy Flahive (Flahive Consulting, San Diego), Ed Wasserman (Daktronics, Los Angeles), Jeff Aran, Esq. (Sacramento), David Spatholt (University of Cincinnati DAAP), and ISA’s David Hickey.

Four jurisdictions represented at this event are currently revising their sign code and immediately asked the industry for assistance, while several other communities anticipate working on their sign code in the near future. Participants were especially interested in ISA’s EMC Night-time Brightness Recommendations and in learning about different kinds of sign lighting technologies.

In 2012, ISA, its regional associations, and the Signage Foundation Inc. have educated more than 250 planners on the value of on-premises signs to our communities through events like Planning for Sign Code Success and webinars such as Finding Common Ground. Moving forward in 2013, ISA and its regional associations plan on presenting additional planner education seminars across the country. For more information, please contact David Hickey.
