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ISA Brings Common Ground to Alaska

ISA Brings Common Ground to Alaska

On June 5 ISA’s James Carpentier traveled to Alaska to help the Wasilla Sign Code Task Force Group draft beneficial and effective sign code language. Mr. Carpentier offered the “Finding Common Ground” presentation to the group, which provides information on the economic benefits of EMCs and methods to reasonably regulate EMCs. The presentation resulted in an excellent discussion in regards to the current status of EMCs in Wasilla and the regulatory options that are available to enhance and support local businesses. Earlier this year the City of Wasilla commenced the process to update their sign code. Mr. Carpentier was chosen by the City to serve on the Sign Code Task Force Group along with local business owners, realtors and a consultant to assist in the facilitation of the sign code update process. The Sign Code Focus Group will have several additional meetings which are slated to be completed in July. The recommendations of the Focus Group will be forwarded to the Planning Commission in August. For more information, please contact [email protected].
