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ISA and ASA Work with Mesa Chamber of Commerce

ISA and ASA Work with Mesa Chamber of Commerce

Last week Patti King, Executive Director of the Arizona Sign Association, and ISA’s James Carpentier met with the Mesa Chamber of Commerce to discuss the sign code update that the City of Mesa has recently initiated. The importance of input from the business community and end users is essential to drafting effective and beneficial sign code regulations. The Chamber agreed to notify members of upcoming SCAC meetings to encourage local business to be actively involved in the sign code update. The City of Mesa is currently updating its sign code, which was adopted in 1986 and has been partially updated several times. The City has formed a Sign Code Advisory Committee (SCAC) in order to help to facilitate the update process. Several meetings of the SCAC are planned over the next couple of months. The City of Mesa is currently in the midst of many changes, most notably light rail is currently in the process of being extended to Mesa Drive, which will bring light rail to downtown Mesa. The updated sign code will address the recently adopted form based code, the downtown area, allowed sign area and types, updates to the EMC regulations, Freeway Landmark Sign Guidelines and temporary signs. Comments in relation to the sign code update can be sent to the Zoning Administrator, Gordon Sheffield. For more information, please contact Patti King or James Carpentier.
