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Industry-Developed Research Used to Improve Virginia Sign Regulations

Industry-Developed Research Used to Improve Virginia Sign Regulations

On June 24, ISA’s Kenny Peskin (@signcodeguy) and the Virginia Sign Association (VASA) successfully amended proposed sign regulations in Newport News, Va. to incorporate industry-backed language that would allow companies to continue building signs that work for retail businesses and customers. With the support of City planning staff and the City Manager, the Newport News City Council voted 7-0 to enact the revised language of Ordinance Amendment Sign 14-83.

Working with city staff to amend the proposed language, VASA President Mike Burnett and Peskin were successful in:

  • Increasing proposed height limit for freestanding signs (w/o EMCs) from 10’ to 15’
  • Increasing proposed limit on EMCs from 25% of face (or 24 ft2) to 33% of face or (or 32 ft2)
  • Refining limits on illumination for EMCs near residential uses from “visible” to “within 250 ft”.
  • Allowing EMCs for community uses in residential zones through conditional use permits
  • Incorporating a footcandle based standard for measuring EMC illumination
  • Adjusting definitions and related language to retain City’s existing controls on animated signs other than EMCs (such as sequential neon or flashing lights)

Among the resources used to convince city staff in favor of the industry-backed recommendations, Burnett and Peskin utilized:

For additional information about the Newport News ordinance, please contact Kenneth Peskin or VASA President Mike Burnett.
