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EMCs Under Fire in Top 10 U.S. City

EMCs Under Fire in Top 10 U.S. City

Proposed regulations limiting the size, brightness and hold time of electronic message centers and nonconforming signs are on the agenda for the Dallas City Council Economic Development Committee in August. The Dallas Plan Commission deadlocked on five issues, but advanced on to the economic committee for further consideration.

The Texas Sign Association representatives and ISA’s Kenny Peskin, testified at the Plan Commission meeting in opposition to the proposed regulation. The sign and visual communications industry’s opposition at that meeting focused on procedural shortcomings, though there is concern about the substance of the proposed changes as well.

The proposals would limit the size of an on-premise digital sign to 50 square feet or half the allowable size of a static sign, whichever is greater. It would allow messages to change every 20 seconds in business districts and 20 minutes in residential areas.

For more information, please contact TSA Executive Director Leona Stabler.
