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Educating Federal Officials About the Sign Industry

Educating Federal Officials About the Sign Industry

As an increasing number of initiatives from Capitol Hill affect sign companies, ISA is meeting with federal officials to educate them on the contributions of the sign industry to our economy and their states/districts. In just the last week, ISA staff met with Rep. Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV), Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and officials with the U.S. Small Business Administration to get the latest information regarding regulatory reform, complying with the massive health care law, accessing federal small business loans, and workforce development and training issues. In 2012, ISA staff met with the offices of 26 federal officials; so far this year, ISA staff has met with eleven federal officials and their staff in order to raise awareness of the on-premise sign industry.
In order to further increase involvement of the sign industry on Capitol Hill, ISA is working with the National Association of Manufacturers to have sign companies participate in a “Manufacturing Summit” taking place June 19-20. Sign industry professionals who take part in the Summit will be able to meet their members of Congress and administration officials, learn about the latest federal initiatives that affect manufacturers, and provide their own company stories and concerns on issues impacting the success of their business. For more information, please contact David Hickey.
