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California Considers Dimming Requirement for Interior Signs

California Considers Dimming Requirement for Interior Signs

On August 22, 2012, ISA participated in a stakeholders meeting in Ontario, California, sponsored by Southern California Edison (SCE) on behalf of the California Energy Commission (CEC). Attendees included representatives of public utility firms on the west coast, members of the California Sign Association and other interested parties. The CEC is proposing new requirements mandating that interior, electric signs in California shall incorporate demand-response capabilities to achieve partial reductions of electrical loads during peak events on the power grid.
The proposed requirements translate to partial dimming of interior signs during these events which typically occur between the hours of noon and 8:00 p.m. The CEC initiative also aims to encourage conversion or retrofitting of existing, interior signs to make them compatible with demand response controls.
ISA currently is analyzing these proposals to determine an appropriate path forward on this issue. For further information, contact Bill Dundas, Director of Technical & Regulatory Affairs.
