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All Aboard for the ISA Elite

All Aboard for the ISA Elite

Think back to your days as a young professional trying to navigate your way through the sign and visual communications industry. Can you imagine the leg-up you would’ve had if there was a program that took you under its wing, showed you the ins and outs of the industry, and connected you with experts who could set you on the right career path? That’s exactly what the ISA Elite program is all about and we’re proud to announce our very first class of up-and-comers.

“It’s exciting to see this next generation of leaders bringing enthusiasm for the ways we help build stronger businesses and communities through our products,” said Lori Anderson, ISA president and CEO.

The ISA Elite is made up of 36 young professionals who work in the industry. They come from all over the United States and, Canada. We even have one woman who is traveling from Columbia to take part in this inaugural program.  The participants currently work in every branch of the industry. Graphic designers, installers, sales executives – they’re all part of the team and each one has a passion for growing and learning about the sign and visual communications industry.

There isn’t a better place for the ISA Elite to see all that our industry has to offer than at ISA International Sign Expo. ISA will welcome each winner at next month’s show in Las Vegas by including them in special networking events and educational sessions.

“They will be the bridge to the sign industry’s workforce of the future,” said Anderson.

To see a list of the ISA Elite, click here. And remember, you can still register to attend ISA International Sign Expo. Log onto for all the details.
