In these unprecedented times, ISA is working to keep you up to date on the latest resources and news that will impact your business so that you’re best prepared to move forward.
Next week, ISA has three webinars on a range of topics to help you do just that. Each webinar is free for members and $35.00 for non-members. You can register at
Tuesday, April 21
ISA Update Week 4: HR Issues and Handling Stress
Companies are facing unprecedented challenges navigating COVID-19. Join us to hear from an HR expert address the most common HR questions related to the coronavirus and gain strategies for how to handle the worry and anxiety to make the outbreak less stressful.
Wednesday, April 22
Q1 2020 Sign Industry Quarterly Economic Report
Join experts from IHS Markit to review key findings from the Q1 2020 report as well as an overview of U.S. and global macroencomic trends.
Thursday, April 23
Crisis Management Cash Flow for Growth and Success
Even with the pandemic and economic conditions, there are opportunities in our industry for growth and future success. Get ready for the change that’s coming! Greg Crabtree, author of Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits will be sharing his insights on crisis management along with scenario planning prescriptions to help guide your sign business out of any crisis. Participants will:
- Learn key data points as it relates to the sign industry in Crabtree’s crisis model and run scenarios on cash strategy to get thru next 90 -180 days
- Understand the impact of profit loss and cash flow loss and its relationship to the strategic use of cash reserves and/or capital received from the PPP or the EIDL
- Learn the importance of the business capital structure – Trade, Infrastructure, & Buffer Capital
Find these webinars and more recently recorded webinars at