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ISA Leadership Recommendation

ISA invites you to recommend an individual or individuals for ISA’s leadership. Self-recommendations are also welcome. ISA’s growth thrives on dedicated volunteers who offer ideas, solutions, and feedback. Please note: there are limited positions available each year for service on either the ISA Board of Directors or on one of the three ISA Steering Committees (Affiliate, Direct and Supplier/Distributor).

Board and Steering Committee members are committed to furthering ISA’s vision: To be the leader in shaping and developing the sign, graphics and visual communications community worldwide. For reference, click here to review a “job description” for participating in the ISA leadership.

The primary responsibilities and commitment for participation in each is as follows:

ISA Board of Directors Commitment

Primary Responsibilities
Set and measure the strategic goals of the organization, and to provide stewardship of the association’s resources.

Participation Requirements
Four (4) face-to-face or virtual meetings per year. The dates for the 2024 meetings are:

  • January 30-February 1, Albuquerque, NM
  • April 9, Orlando, FL
  • July (TBD)
  • October (TBD), Alexandria, VA

Participation on additional committees is optional.

Travel expenses are reimbursed, if requested.

Term Length:
Three-year term, for a maximum of two (2) terms.

ISA Steering Committee Commitment

Primary Responsibilities
Serve as advisors to the ISA Board of Directors; and recommend individuals for future leadership positions.

Participation Requirements
One (1) face-to-face or virtual meeting at the annual ISA Leadership Congress. The dates for the 2024 meeting are January 30-February 1 in Albuquerque, NM.

One (1) or two (2) conference calls per year, plus occasional email exchanges.

Travel expenses are reimbursed, if requested.

Term Length:
Two-year term, for a maximum of two (2) terms.

To recommend someone, or yourself, for a leadership position, please complete this form. If you have any questions, please contact Michel Williams at

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