Retail Signage: Practices to Increase Return on Investment
Signs serve important purposes in a business’ strategy: reinforcing an established brand, communicating information to customers and enriching the customer experience. On first glance, these strategies might not be considered “measurable,” but organizations can incorporate best practices for these strategies to increase their return on sign investment.
“Read this publication, great information in there. Too many small retail shops look at signage as an expense, and not as an investment in the success of their business.”
Kenneth Soday
Stellar Sign and Design
For example, following best practices for sign legibility, viewing enjoyment, informational aspects, quality, appropriate scale and uniqueness can impact the success of a sign and therefore a business’ bottom line.
Retail Signage: Practices to Increase Return on Investment, developed by the Sign Research Foundation (SRF), explores the connection between high-level design practices and business success.
For this study, a group of executives, consultants, designers and fabricators were asked to compare these leading sign practices with standards for design excellence. High-level design practices were initially outlined in the Signs and the Downtown Experience, which was developed by SRF in 2014.

Retail wayfinding—heavily driven by analysis and best practices—is set apart from other wayfinding initiatives. Profitable stores tend to be meticulous record-takers and constant
tinkerers, always tweaking approaches in an attempt to attract customers. At the same time, there is an adherence to long-established methods that note the complex interplay between merchandising, distribution, promotion and customer experience.
This dynamic and ever-growing field, then, is rife for study. Retail Wayfinding Best Practices, developed by the Sign Research Foundation, does just that. It explores the way retail methodologies impact wayfinding, complete with numerous case studies highlighting creative and positive results.