ISA works on behalf of your association and the broader sign, graphics and visual communications industry and is excited to share some details of our work. This web page is intended keep you, as an affiliate board member, up to date on ISA’s work and to provide you with a direct link to an ISA staff member who can help you learn more. ISA is grateful for the time and effort you devote to helping grow your affiliate, ISA, and the overall sign and graphics industry. We look forward to keeping you regularly updated on this page.
ISA, Northwest Sign Council and members worked together in Helena, Montana to improve sign codes, including:
This is a prime example of how everyone plays a part in building better sign codes.
Got a sign code issue in your community? Contact:
ISA was there to celebrate two big anniversaries among affiliated associations:
These associations have such longevity because of the ways they serve their members. Kudos!
Do you or a member need help with a specific business challenge? Explore our library of webinar resources for support.
Best of all, many of our recorded webinars are free for members. Just one more benefit of membership.
Did you know you can attract new prospective members by sharing the benefits of ISA’s variance services?
ISA worked recently on a gas station sign near Phoenix. The sign code would allow an 18-foot, 130 sf sign. ISA’s variance appeal delivered:
One key persuader: the Sign Research Foundation’s On-Premise Signage: Situations, Legibility & Visibility (Guidelines for Traffic Safety)
Learn more about ISA’s variance services. Contact:
Leverage and use the new research from the Sign Research Foundation help educate your members and community:
Your Hiring and Employee Retention Are at the Heart of What ISA Does
Learn more about Sign MFG Day and other ways to get students engaged. Contact:
Helping planners understand more about the sign industry leads to better codes for our members This fall, ISA has trained planners in:
Reaching planners through training and education is vital for successful sign codes.
Does your association work with any city planners or local officials who could benefit from education on business-friendly sign codes?
James would be happy to provide valuable insights. Contact:
ISA offers AAs free access to private meeting rooms and space on the show floor at ISA International Sign Expo. Use this opportunity to:
Learn more about benefits affiliates receive at ISA Sign Expo. Contact:
Tabitha Bowen brings significant experience to the role of member programs manager at ISA. Before joining ISA in the fall, she worked in her family sign installation business, All-Right Sign, and served on the Illinois Sign Association and International Sign Association boards. She also is an ISA Elite. “I am passionate about the success of our affiliates because, from my own firsthand experience, I have witnessed the power of strong business connections. I believe there are a lot of great things that can happen when people come together in this industry.”
Connect with Tabitha to learn more about ISA’s work with affiliates:
1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 301
Alexandria, VA 22314
P (703) 836-4012